Firearms & Sportsman Auction - February 27th

Selling from a closed sports shop, estates, and other consignments.
Many of your questions can be answered by reading the Auction “Terms” and “Removal” tabs. Please read these before you call. Also be certain to read the “Details” tab in each lot before you bid. It is where additional information on each item is placed when it will not fit on the title line. All New York purchasers of Semi-Automatic rifles must have a S.A.R. permit. Any firearms mark “Not NYS Compliant” may only be purchased by an FFL, law enforcement, or out-of-state buyer from a state where the firearm can be purchased and must be shipped to an FFL in that state.
If this doesn’t describe you, do us both a favor and don’t bid. You may notice several handguns in this Auction that we sold back in October that the buyer had no way of taking possession of. We don't need anymore practice. If you can't own any type of gun, don't bid on them. Make sure you have a handgun permit or an SAR Endorsement on your permit for semi-auto rifles.
WE ARE CHANGING HOW WE DO FIREARMS & AMMO PICKUPS. Due to the changes in NYS law, our old ways of doing pick-ups are not working well anymore. PLEASE Read the “Removal” Tab > “Ammunition Checks & Pickup” as we are changing some things from the established norm. There will be no pick-up until the week following the auction.